Ghana - Ghana Child Labour Survey - 2001
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-CLS-2001-v1.0 |
Year | 2001 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Funding International Labour Organisation - ILO - Funding |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 20, 2009
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
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Variable Groups
- Socio-demographic information about household members
- Economic activities of household members 5 and above
- Housing Characteristics
- Child Data: Information from parents about children 5 - 17 years
- Child Data: Information from children 5 - 17 years
- Socio-demographic characteristics of street children
- Living arrangement of street children
- Parental background of street children
- Economic activities of street children
- Health/Safety issues of street children
- Assistance to street children
Data Description
Data File: Child
Content | Data about target group (children 5 - 17 years of age )of the survey. This contain information on demographic and socio-economic activities. |
Cases | 17034 |
Variable(s) | 211 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: eanumb (EA Number), struct (structure number), hnum (Household number), pid (Person number) |
Version | Version 1.1(edited/final) for public use |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service |
Processing Checks | The data was subjected to office editing before commencement of data entry.The resulting data was further edited using SPSS and SAS. |
Name | Label | Question | |
region | Region | ||
district | District | ||
base | BASE | ||
clust | Enumeration Area (EA) | ||
eanumb | EA Number | ||
weight | Sampling Weight | ||
struct | structure number | ||
hnum | Household number | ||
g5a | Eligibility of household | ELIGIBILITY | |
g5b | Number of Eligible Children | No.of Children eligible: | |
g6a | Supplementary Completed | SUPPLEMENTARY COMPLETED? | |
g6b | Number of supplementary used | If "Yes", No. OF SUPPLEMENTARY | |
g8 | Result code | RESULTS CODE | |
g9 | Respondents line number | RESPONDENT'S LINE NO. : | |
h1 | Type of dwelling | In what type of dwelling does the household live? | |
h2a | Ownership status of dwelling | What is the ownership status | |
h2b | Rent paid per month | If rented, i.e., H2a="4" or "5", please indicate the amount paid per month (in thousands)? | |
h3 | How many sleeping rooms | How many sleeping rooms does the household occupy? | |
h4a | kitchen | Are there any of these facilities available to the household? | |
h4b | Bathroom | Are there any of these facilities available to the household? | |
h4c | Toilet | Are there any of these facilities available to the household? | |
h5 | Main source of cooking fuel | What is the main source of cooking fuel? | |
h6 | Main source of drinking water | What is the main source of drinking water? | |
h7 | Main source of lighting | What is the main source of lighting? | |
h8a | cars | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8b | Bicycle | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8c | Motor-bike | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8d | Telephone | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8e | refrigerator | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8f | radio | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8g | tv set(s) | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8h | none of these | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h8i | other | Does the household own the following? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
h9 | Ever changed usual place of residence | Has this household ever changed the usual place of residence? | |
h10 | District of residence | If "Yes" in above, in which district was the last place of residence? | |
h11 | How long living in present residence | How long has this household been living in the present place of residence? | |
h12 | Main reason for moving | What was the main reason for comingor changing to the present place of residence? | |
h13 | main source of major income | What is the main source from which the household derived its major income during the last 12 months? | |
h14 | Aver. monthly household expenditure | What is the average monthly household expenditure? | |
pid | Person number | ||
rel | Relationship to head | What is (NAME’s) relationship to head of household? | |
sex | Sex | What is the sex of (NAME)? | |
agey | Age in completed years | How old is (NAME)? (in completed years) | |
pq4 | Nationality | What is (NAME's) nationality? | |
pq5 | Ethnicity | To which ethnic group does (NAME) belong? | |
pq6 | Religious affiliation | What is (NAME's) religious affiliation? | |
pq7 | Marital status | If (NAME) IS 12 YEARS OR OLDER: What is (NAME's) current marital status? | |
pq8 | Attended/attending school/training | Has (NAME) ever attended or is attending school/training now? | |
pq9 | Why never been to school | If (NAME) is 5 - 17 years old, why has (NAME) never been to school? | |
pq10 | Why stop schooling | Why did (NAME) stop schooling? | |
pq11 | Highest level of schooling | What is (NAME's) highest level of schooling? | |
pq12 | Highest grade completed | What is the highest grade (NAME) completed at that level? | |
pq13 | Literacy | In what language can (NAME) read and write? (ASK IF 15 YEARS OR OLDER) | |
pq14 | Work for pay or profit ? | Did (NAME) do any work for pay or profit or family gain? | |
pq15 | Occupational Code | What kind of work (occupation) did (NAME) do? | |
pq15a | pq15-major occup list | Occupation Cartegorise by major group | |
pq16 | Industry codes | In what principal activity (industry) was (NAME) engaged in ? | |
pq16b | pq16b major industry list | Industry cartegories by major group | |
pq17 | Employment status | What was (NAME's) employment status? | |
pq18 | Employment sector | In what sector was (NAME) mainly working? | |
pq19 | How occupied | If P14='No', how was (NAME) occupied? | |
aq11 | Engaged in any economic activity | Was (NAME) engaged in any economic activity at any time during the last 12 months? | |
aq12 | Total duration of work | If A1.1=“Yes”, what was the total duration of work in all economic activities in which he/she was engaged? | |
aq13 | Also attending schoolwhile engaged | Was (NAME) also attending school while he/she was engaged in economic activity? | |
aq14 | Age started work | At what age did (NAME) start to work for the first time? | |
aq21a | Know where child works | If working for someone other than own parents or guardians, do you know where and for whom (NAME) works? | |
aq21b | Know for whom child works | If (NAME) is working for someone, how is his/her relationship with the employer? | |
aq22 | Relationship with employer | If (NAME) is working for someone, how is his/her relationship with the employer? | |
aq23a | Why bad relationship | If A2.2=“Bad”, give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23b | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23c | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23d | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23e | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23f | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq23g | Why bad relationship | If A2.2="Bad", give main reasons (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq24 | Receive any benefit | Did (NAME) receive any benefit from his/her work? | |
aq25a | Benefit provided-Holiday | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25b | Benefit provided-sick leave | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25c | Benefit provided-Social Security | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25d | Benefit provided-Uniform | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25e | Benefit provided-Meals | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25f | Benefit provided-Transport | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25g | Benefit provided-Lodging | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq25h | Benefit provided-Other | Which of the following benefits were provided by the employer? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq31 | Engaged in housekeeping activities | Has (NAME) been engaged in housekeeping activities or household chores in own parents’/guardians’ home on a regular basis during last week? | |
aq32 | Period worked each day | If A3.1="Yes" , indicate period worked each day and GO TO Section A4. | |
aq41 | Idle last week | Was (NAME) idle last week (i.e., he/she did not do any economic nor non-economic activity and did not go to school during the last week?) | |
aq42 | Reason for idleness | If "Yes" in above, give the main reason | |
aq43a | Do for fun-Playing | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq43b | Do for fun-Watching | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq43c | Do for fun-Listening to music | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq43d | Do for fun-Reading | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq43e | Do for fun- Going to cinema | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq43f | Do for fun-Other | What does (NAME) do for fun, when not working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |
aq51 | Ever been hurt | Has (NAME) ever been hurt at work/work place or suffered from illnesses/injuries due to his/her work at any time? | |
aq52 | How many times | If A5.1=“Yes”, how many times was (NAME) hurt or suffered from illnesses in the last six months? | |
aq61 | Reason for working | If (NAME) is working (in economic activity), what is the main reason for letting him/her work? | |
aq62 | What happens if stops work | If (NAME) stops working, what will happen? | |
aq63 | What would you prefer to do in future | If given a choice, what would you prefer (NAME) to do in the future? | |
aq71 | Living with present hsehold since birth | Has (NAME) been living with the present household since birth? | |
Total variable(s):
211 |