Weekly Earnings (earnings)
File: Street Children
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-8
Invalid: 98, 99
Valid cases: 1933
Invalid: 381
1 0 - 5000 165 8.5%
2 6000 - 10000 262 13.6%
3 11000 - 20000 587 30.4%
4 21000 - 30000 374 19.3%
5 31000 - 50000 328 17.0%
6 51000 - 100000 202 10.5%
7 101000 - 200000 8 0.4%
8 201000 - 500000 7 0.4%
98 No Response 68
99 Not Applicable 313
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.