pq15-major occup list (pq15a)
File: Household
Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-8
Invalid: -98, -99
Valid cases: 23798
Invalid: 24152
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 8
Questions and instructions
All household members 5 years and older
Literal question
Occupation Cartigorise into major group
1 Professional workers 967 4.1%
2 Administrative and managerial 46 0.2%
3 Clerical and related workers 296 1.2%
4 Sales workers 4033 16.9%
5 Service workers 789 3.3%
6 Agric/Forestry/Fishermen 12152 51.1%
7 Production and related workers 2894 12.2%
8 Workers not classified 2621 11.0%
-99 Not applicable 24150
-98 Mssing response 2
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.