Main work status during the past 4 weeks ? (e2)
File: Individual
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 8
Decimals: 0
Range: 1-10
Valid cases: 53522 (10966592.1)
Invalid: 7153 (1478692.1)
Questions and instructions
Household members 5 years and older
Literal question
E.2 What was [NAME] 's main work status during the past 4 weeks?
1 Unemployed or Child not in school 6056 1245767 11.4%
2 Employer 85 15888 0.1%
3 Own Account Worker 18551 3847351 35.1%
4 Regular Employee 2851 553166 5.0%
5 Casual Employee 378 72453 0.7%
6 Unpaid family worker or homemaker 5658 1194651 10.9%
7 House help 186 35842 0.3%
8 Student or apprentice 19415 3936743 35.9%
9 Pensioner 308 58812 0.5%
10 Investor 34 5920 0.1%
Sysmiss 7153 1478692
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.