Education in single years (hv108)
Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Range: 0-98
Invalid: 99
Valid cases: 26477 (25340713065)
Invalid: 124 (99007676)
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 98
Mean: 3.6 (4)
Standard deviation: 4.9
Questions and instructions
Literal question
What is the highest grade you completed at that level?
0 0 13185 1.158397797e+10 45.7%
1 1 1035 971311653 3.8%
2 2 1103 1055498062 4.2%
3 3 1114 1094246767 4.3%
4 4 956 959891650 3.8%
5 5 934 957296032 3.8%
6 6 1027 1076446022 4.2%
7 7 851 892094211 3.5%
8 8 648 698097931 2.8%
9 9 1811 1970484632 7.8%
10 10 1954 2143216604 8.5%
11 11 189 187100048 0.7%
12 12 584 611155548 2.4%
13 13 187 200703916 0.8%
14 14 173 184389994 0.7%
15 15 278 306910440 1.2%
16 16 62 61504846 0.2%
17 17 103 113623331 0.4%
18 18 169 169310256 0.7%
19 19 76 77868658 0.3%
20 20 7 6162568 0.0%
21 21 11 3211045 0.0%
22 22 2 2101743 0.0%
23 23 8 1800532 0.0%
25 25 1 1011109 0.0%
97 Inconsistent 0 0 0.0%
98 DK 9 11297497 0.0%
99 99 124 99007676
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Imputation and Derivation
What is the highest grade you completed at that level?