Ghana - Ghana Child Labour Survey - 2001
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-CLS-2001-v1.0 |
Year | 2001 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Funding International Labour Organisation - ILO - Funding |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 20, 2009
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
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Variable Groups
- Socio-demographic information about household members
- Economic activities of household members 5 and above
- Housing Characteristics
- Child Data: Information from parents about children 5 - 17 years
- Child Data: Information from children 5 - 17 years
- Socio-demographic characteristics of street children
- Living arrangement of street children
- Parental background of street children
- Economic activities of street children
- Health/Safety issues of street children
- Assistance to street children
Variable Group: Child Data: Information from children 5 - 17 years
Name | Label | Question | |||
bq11 | Whom do you live with | Whom do you live with? | |||
bq21 | Engage in any econ. activity | Did you engage in any economic activity at any time during the last 12 months? | |||
bq22 | Total duration of work | If 'Yes' in B2.1, what was the total duration of work in all economic activities in which you were engaged? | |||
bq23 | Attending school while working | Were you also attending school while you were engaged in economic activity? | |||
bq31 | Work for pay or profit | Did you do any work for pay, profit, family gain or did you produce anything for barter or home use during last 7 days? (incl. temporary absence from work) | |||
bq32 | Occupation code | Occupation code (refer to code list) | |||
b32occup | B32 major occupation | What kind of work (occupation) did you do? | |||
bq33a | Nature of work - Full time | What was the nature of the work in which you were mainly engaged in during the last 7 days? | |||
bq33b | nature of work - Part time | What was the nature of the work in which you were mainly engaged in during the last 7 days? | |||
bq34 | Industry code | What principal activity (industry) were you engaged in during the last 7 days? | |||
bq34indu | b34 major industry | What principal activity (industry) were you engaged in during the last 7 days? | |||
bq35 | Status of employment | What was your status of employment? | |||
bq36 | Engage in secondary activity | Did you engage in any secondary activity during the past week? | |||
bq37 | Reason for not working | What was the reason for not working during last 7 days? [FOR ANY RESPONSE OTHER THAN 7, GO TO B7.1] | |||
bq41 | Amount paid to you | What was the amount paid to you for the last pay period? | |||
bq42 | Who receives payment | Who receives payment on your behalf? | |||
bq43 | How are you paid | If currently in paid employment, how are you paid? | |||
bq44a | Nothing | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44b | Food | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44c | Clothing | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44d | Sheltor | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44e | Medical care | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44f | Education | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44g | Bicycle | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44h | Sewing machine | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq44i | Other | What did you receive as payment in kind? (More than 1 answer acceptable) | |||
bq45a | Hours worked during - day | During which time and how many hours do you usually work? | |||
bq45b | Hours worked during - Night | During which time and how many hours do you usually work? | |||
bq51 | Do you work over time | If you are working for someone else other than your own parents or guardians, do you usually work overtime and get paid for it? | |||
bq52 | Relationship with employer | How is your relationship with your employer? | |||
bq53 | Main reason | If B5.2="2", give the main reason: | |||
bq54 | Amount paid by employer per week | Referring to the latest/most recent payment, what is the approximate amount you were paid by your employer per week? | |||
bq61 | Give earnings to parents | Do you give part or all your earnings to your parents/guardians or other relatives? | |||
bq62 | Save any part of earnings | Do you save any part of your earnings? | |||
bq63 | Reason for saving | If B6.2="1" or "2", what is the main reason for saving? | |||
bq64 | Satisfied with present job | Are you satisfied with your present job? | |||
bq65 | Why not satisfied | If B6.4="No", why not? | |||
bq71 | Currently receiving training | Are you currently receiving/have received training in the past? | |||
bq72 | Type of training received | What type of training are you receiving or have received? | |||
bq73 | Reason for not receiving training | If B7.1="No", what is the main reason for not receiving training? | |||
bq74 | Does work affect regular studies | If attending school or training on a full-time or part-time, but also working, does your work affect your regular attendance or studies? | |||
bq81 | Ever been injured | Have you ever been injured before? | |||
bq82 | Nature of illness/injury | If B8.1="Yes", what was or were the nature of your illness/injuries? | |||
bq83a | First Industry of Injury/Illness | For those who were injured at the work place (i.e. B8.1 = 4) what were the two major activities or industries in which you were injured/hurt or from which you suffered illness/injury? | |||
bq83a_1 | Industy code | (Refer to industry code list) | |||
bq83b | Second Industry of Injury/Illness | For those who were injured at the work place (i.e. B8.1 = 4) what were the two major activities or industries in which you were injured/hurt or from which you suffered illness/injury? | |||
bq83b_1 | industry code | Refer to industry code list) | |||
bq84 | How serious was injury | Referring to the most serious accident/illness/injury, how serious was it? | |||
bq85a | Treatment - First aid | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85b | Treatment - Self medication | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85c | Treatment - Doctor | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85d | Treatment - Chemist | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85e | Treatment - herbal | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85f | Treatment - Spiritualist | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85g | Treatment - Fetish | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85h | Treatment - No treatment | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq85i | Treatment - Other | Which type of treatment did you receive? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86a | Who paid for - Employer | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86b | Who paid for - Parent | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86c | Who paid for - Other relative | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86d | Who paid for - Self | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86e | Who paid for - Free | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq86f | Who paid for - Other | Who paid for your treatment? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87a | Do you use - Goggles | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87b | Do you use - Helmet | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87c | Do you use - Earplugs | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87d | Do you use - Special shoes | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87e | Do you use - Gloves | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87f | Do you use - Protective clothing | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87g | Do you use - Nose/gas mask | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87h | Do you use - None | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq87i | Do you use - Other | Do you use any of the following protective wear while working? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq88 | Do other people use protective wear | Do other people doing the same work use protective wear while working? | |||
bq89a | They use - Goggles | If B8.9=“Yes”, which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89b | They use - Helmet | If B8.9="Yes", which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89c | They use - Earplugs | If B8.9="Yes", which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89d | They use - Special shoes | If B8.9="Yes", which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89e | They use - Gloves | If B8.9="Yes", which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89f | They use - Protective clothng | If B8.9="Yes", which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89g | They use - Nose/gas mask | If B8.9=“Yes”, which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq89h | They use - Other | If B8.9=“Yes”, which of the following do they usually use? (more than one answer acceptable) | |||
bq810 | Required to operate tools | Are you required to operate any tools, equipment, machines, etc. at your workplace or in your job/occupation? | |||
bq811 | AWare of any health problems | Are you aware of any likely health problems or possible hazards, injuries or illnesses in connection with your work? | |||
bq812 | Age at starting work | At what age did you start to work for the first time? | |||
bq813a | What to do Now | If given a choice, what would you like to do now? | |||
bq813b | What to do in Future | If given a choice, what would you like to do in the future? | |||
agegrp | Age Group | ||||
hhsize | Household Size | ||||
hhead | Gender of Household Head | ||||
spouses | Number of Spouses | ||||
hsizegrp | Size of Household | ||||
lithead | Literacy of Household Head | ||||
agehead | Age of Householdhead | ||||
empstat | Employment Status of Household Head | ||||
urbrur | Urban/Rural | ||||
workage | Age at First Work | ||||
hsework | |||||
usuecon | Usual economic activty | ||||
curecon | current economic activity | ||||
leveduc | Highest Level of Education | ||||
safety | Frequency of Ijuries | ||||
amtb41 | amount paid | ||||