Ghana - National Transport Household Survey, 2007
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-NTHS-2007-v1.0 |
Year | 2007 - 2008 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - Autonomous |
Sponsor(s) | Danish International Development Agency - DANIDA - Provided funding for the survey |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 13, 2012
Last modified
Dec 05, 2013
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Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
ID information | This is the front page of the questionnaire. It provides information on the geographic location of the household within the selected enumeration area. It collects information on the structure in which the household is located, whether the structure was vacant or occupied, the interviewer deatils aand the date interview started and ended. | 5793 | 31 |
Household roster | 20950 | 18 | |
Education and use of transport services | This sections looks at the current educational attendance of all household members aged 3 year and older. For those curretly attending school, questions were asked on the means of transport usually used to go to and from school. Questions were also asked on the average waiting time and travel time and the amount spent. Qestions were asked on the number of trips made using vaious modes of transport in the last four weeks before the survey and the type of difficulties encountered going to and from school. | 20320 | 41 |
Health | This sections asks questions relating to visits to a medical facility during the last four weeks before the interview. For those who visited a health facility, they were asked for reasons why they chose the facility and the distance to the facility. They were aslo asked if they encountered any difficulties in accessing the health facility. Questions were also asked on the time spent travelling to and from the facility and the cost of transport. Questions were also asked questions on the mode of transport used and the number of trips they made using the various modes of trransport in the last four weeks. Questions were also asked on access to a health facility to deliver a child and whether any difficulties were encountered accessing the facility. | 20878 | 42 |
Economic activity | SECTION D 1: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY (Questions were asked of household members 12 years and older who had engaged in an economic activity during the last 7 days before the interview). Questions in this section related to the sector of employment of those who did some work in the last 7 days before the interview. Questions were asked on the type of occupation and industry and the modes of travel to the workplace. There were questions on the number of trips made using the various modes, the waiting and travel time, amount spent and the kind of difficulties encountered traveling to and from the workplace. | 18801 | 50 |
Market access for agricultural produce | This section was answered by only houseold members who were engaged in agriculture as their main occupation. Questions were asked about the type of agricultural activity they were engaed in, outlets for the agricultural produce, and difficuities encountered in the marketing of their produce. Questions were also asked on the distance to the nearest market, availability of transport and the general state of the roads during the rainy season as well as the dry season. | 4550 | 22 |
General transport use by household members | SECTION E: TRANSPORT (TO BE ANSWERED BY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AGED 6 YEARS AND OLDER). Questions in this section relate to the general use of transport by household members aged 6 years and older and their level of satisfaction with the transport system, including convenience of routes and frequency of services. Questions were also asked on the number of trips made using the various modes of transport during the 7 days to the interview. There were also questions on the use of individual transport, both motorised and un-motorised. | 19074 | 57 |
Transport use by household | SECTION F: TRANSPORT (HOUSEHOLD) TO BE ANSWERED BY THE HOUSEHOLD HEAD OR ANY RESPONSIBLE ADULT IN THE HOUSEHOLD. This section has general questions on transport use to be answered by the househols head or other resposible adult. Questions were asked on how long it will take to walk to the nearest transport terminals and some facilities inlcuding food shops, Post Office and the Police Station. Questions were also asked on the means of transport to these facilities, difficulties faced and the frequesncy of the means of transport. There were also questions on transport reliability, cost of transport and the availability of transport to convey household members to a health facility in the event of an emergency. | 5783 | 66 |