Ghana - Ghana User Satisfaction Survey (GUSS) 2012
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GUSS -2012-v1.0 |
Year | 2012 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - Autonomous |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Logistical and financial assistance World Bank - WB - Financial and technical assistance |
Created on
Jul 13, 2012
Last modified
Feb 05, 2018
Page views
Data Description
Data File: Section A - Use of official Stats in Ghana
Content | This dataset contains information about the use of official Statistics in Ghana. |
Cases | 591 |
Variable(s) | 23 |
Version | Verions 1.0 |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. |
Name | Label | Question | |
guss_id | guss identification | ||
intres | Results of interview | ||
secaq1a | officially used National accounts (GDP) statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1b | officially used Price statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1c | officially used Public statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1d | officially used Monetary and financial statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1e | officially used Business statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1f | officially used Labour accounts (GDP) statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1g | officially used external trade statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1h | officially used Demographic statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1i | officially used Health statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1j | officially used Education statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1k | officially used Crime/Judicisl statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1l | officially used Environmental statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1m | officially used Agricultural and fishery statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1n | officially used Publication ? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1o | officially used Cartographic/ GIS data? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1p | officially used Other statistics or products | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq1y | officially never used statistics or products? | Q1. Have you ever used any of the following official statistics or statistical products? | |
secaq2 | usually find the info you're looking for | Q2. Thinking about the purposes for which you use/used official statistics or statistical products, do you usually find the information you are looking for? | |
secaq3 | Are there any other data that you would like to have available | Q3. Thinking about the purposes for which you use/used official statistics or statistical products, are there any other data that you would like to have available? | |
seca7 | usage of official stats or stats products? | Q7. How often do you use official statistics or statistical products? | |
seca8 | how long have you been using official stats or stats products? | Q8. How long have you been using official statistics or statistical products? | |
Total variable(s):
23 |