Ghana - Ghana Living Standards Survey 2:1988-1989, Second round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GLSS2-2008-v2.0 |
Year | 0 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Funding The World Bank - WB - Funding and Technical Assistance |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
Page views
- Y00A-survey informat
ion - Y00B-survey results
- Y00C-completing sect
ions - Y01A-household roste
r - Y01B-parents of hh m
ember - Y01C-children residi
ng elsewhere - Y02A-type of dwellin
g - Y02B-housing expense
s - Y03-education
- Y04-health
- Y05A-job search
- Y05B-main job 7 days
- Y05C-secondary job 7
days - Y05D-additional empl
oyment - Y05E-main job 12 mon
ths - Y05F-employment hist
ory - Y05G-secondary job 1
2 months - Y05H-other activitie
s - Y06-migration
- Y07-respondents for
round 2 - Y08-characteristics
of housing - Y09A-land
- Y09B-crop
- Y09C-tree crop
- Y09D1A-farm inputs-s
eeds - Y09D1B-farm inputs-f
ertiliser - Y09D1C-farm inputs-o
rganic manure - Y09D2A-farm inputs-i
nsecticides - Y09D2B-farm inputs-t
ransport - Y09D2C-farm inputs-s
acks - Y09D3A-farm inputs-s
torage - Y09D3B-farm inputs-l
abor & other exp
ense - Y09D4A- farm inputs-
hh sharecrop - Y09D4B-farm inputs-o
ther sharecrop - Y09D4C-farm inputs-h
h consumption - Y09D5-farm inputs-ag
ric agent - Y09E-sale of product
s - Y09F-livestock
- Y09G-animal products
- Y09H-contract for li
vestock - Y09I-livestock expen
diture - Y09J-hand tools
- Y09K-farming equipme
nt - Y10A-nonfarm working
condition - Y10B-nonfarm expendi
ture - Y10C-nonfarm revenue
- Y10D-nonfarm assets
- Y11A-daily expenses
- Y11B-annual expenses
- Y11C-durable goods
- Y11D-remittances
- Y12A-food expense
- Y12B-consumption of
own produce - Y13A1A-fertility his
tory A - Y13A1B-fertility his
tory B - Y13A2-fertility hist
ory C - Y13B-birth control
- Y14A-income from rem
ittance - Y14B-miscellaneous i
ncome - Y15A-money and goods
lent - Y15B-loans contracte
d - Y15C-savings
- Y16A-anthropometrics
1 - Y16B-anthropometrics
2 - COMM-community
Variable Groups
- Y00A-survey information
- Y00B-survey results
- Y01A-household roster
- Y01B-parents of household members
- Y01C-children residing elsewhere
- Y02A-type of dwelling
- Y02B-housing expenses
- Y03-education
- Y04-health
- Y05A-job search
- Y05B-main job 7 days
- Y05C-secondary job 7 days
- Y05D-additional employment
- Y05E-main job 12 months
- Y05F-employment history
- Y05G-secondary job 12 months
- Y05H-other activities
- Y06-migration
- Y07-respondents for round 2
- Y08-characteristics of housing
- Y09A-land
- Y09B-crop
- Y09C-tree crop
- Y09D1A-farm inputs-seeds
- Y09D1B-farm inputs-fertiliser
- Y09D1C-farm inputs-organic manure
- Y09D2A-farm inputs-insecticides
- Y09D2B-inputs-transport
- Y09D2C-farm inputs-sack
- Y09D3A-farm inputs-storage
- Y09D3B-farm inputs-labor & other expense
- Y09D4A-farm inputs-hh sharecrop
- Y09D4B-farm inputs-other sharecrop
- Y09D4C-farm inputs-hh consumption
- Y09D5-farm inputs-agric agent
- Y09E-sale of products
- Y09F-livestock
- Y09G-animal products
- Y09H-contract for livestock
- Y09I-livestock expenditure
- Y09J-hand tools
- Y09K-farming equipment
- Y10A-nonfarm working condition
- Y10B-nonfarm expenditure
- Y10C-nonfarm revenue
- Y10D-nonfarm assets
- Y11A-daily expenses
- Y11B-annual expenses
- Y11C-durable goods
- Y11D-remittances
- Y12A-food expense
- Y12B-consumption of own produce
- Y13A1A-fertility history A
- Y13A1B-fertility history B
- Y13A2-fertility history C
- Y13B-birth control
- Y14A-income from remittance
- Y14B-miscellaneous income
- Y15A-money and goods lent
- Y15B-loans contracted
- Y15C-savings
- Y16A-anthropometrics 1
- Y16B-anthropometrics 2
- Comm-community
- Price
File: Y14B-miscellaneous income
File: Y14B-miscellaneous income
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Range: 401-418 | Valid cases: 3829 (3890.9) Invalid: 0 (0) Minimum: 401 Maximum: 418 |
Value | Category | Cases | Weighted | |
401 | Employee welfare fund (excluding susu) | 31 | 31 | 0.8% |
402 | Other welfare fund (excluding susu) | 64 | 65 | 1.7% |
403 | Social security or other pension or retirement fun | 75 | 76 | 2.0% |
404 | Other employment insurance, medical insurance, or life insur | 5 | 5 | 0.1% |
405 | Dividends or investments | 22 | 23 | 0.6% |
406 | Interest on savings or other account | 286 | 288 | 7.4% |
407 | Income from loan repayments to members of your household | 73 | 75 | 1.9% |
408 | Receipts from susu | 360 | 368 | 9.5% |
409 | Scholarship or other education grants | 29 | 29 | 0.7% |
410 | Gifts | 2117 | 2154 | 55.4% |
411 | Dowry or inheritance | 86 | 89 | 2.3% |
412 | Lottery winnings or other winnings from games of chance | 317 | 321 | 8.2% |
413 | Receipts from lease of land, equipment, buildings, or dwelli | 94 | 97 | 2.5% |
414 | Receipts from sales or transfres of land, equipment, etc. | 13 | 13 | 0.3% |
415 | Receipts from sales of vehicles (cars, trucks, bicycles, etc | 21 | 21 | 0.5% |
416 | Receipts from the renal or sale of durable goods | 48 | 48 | 1.2% |
417 | Receipts from sales of jewellery | 11 | 11 | 0.3% |
418 | Other income or grant (e.g. private sale of water) | 177 | 176 | 4.5% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.