Ghana - Ghana Living Standards Survey 2:1988-1989, Second round
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GLSS2-2008-v2.0 |
Year | 0 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Funding The World Bank - WB - Funding and Technical Assistance |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
Page views
- Y00A-survey informat
ion - Y00B-survey results
- Y00C-completing sect
ions - Y01A-household roste
r - Y01B-parents of hh m
ember - Y01C-children residi
ng elsewhere - Y02A-type of dwellin
g - Y02B-housing expense
s - Y03-education
- Y04-health
- Y05A-job search
- Y05B-main job 7 days
- Y05C-secondary job 7
days - Y05D-additional empl
oyment - Y05E-main job 12 mon
ths - Y05F-employment hist
ory - Y05G-secondary job 1
2 months - Y05H-other activitie
s - Y06-migration
- Y07-respondents for
round 2 - Y08-characteristics
of housing - Y09A-land
- Y09B-crop
- Y09C-tree crop
- Y09D1A-farm inputs-s
eeds - Y09D1B-farm inputs-f
ertiliser - Y09D1C-farm inputs-o
rganic manure - Y09D2A-farm inputs-i
nsecticides - Y09D2B-farm inputs-t
ransport - Y09D2C-farm inputs-s
acks - Y09D3A-farm inputs-s
torage - Y09D3B-farm inputs-l
abor & other exp
ense - Y09D4A- farm inputs-
hh sharecrop - Y09D4B-farm inputs-o
ther sharecrop - Y09D4C-farm inputs-h
h consumption - Y09D5-farm inputs-ag
ric agent - Y09E-sale of product
s - Y09F-livestock
- Y09G-animal products
- Y09H-contract for li
vestock - Y09I-livestock expen
diture - Y09J-hand tools
- Y09K-farming equipme
nt - Y10A-nonfarm working
condition - Y10B-nonfarm expendi
ture - Y10C-nonfarm revenue
- Y10D-nonfarm assets
- Y11A-daily expenses
- Y11B-annual expenses
- Y11C-durable goods
- Y11D-remittances
- Y12A-food expense
- Y12B-consumption of
own produce - Y13A1A-fertility his
tory A - Y13A1B-fertility his
tory B - Y13A2-fertility hist
ory C - Y13B-birth control
- Y14A-income from rem
ittance - Y14B-miscellaneous i
ncome - Y15A-money and goods
lent - Y15B-loans contracte
d - Y15C-savings
- Y16A-anthropometrics
1 - Y16B-anthropometrics
2 - COMM-community
Variable Groups
- Y00A-survey information
- Y00B-survey results
- Y01A-household roster
- Y01B-parents of household members
- Y01C-children residing elsewhere
- Y02A-type of dwelling
- Y02B-housing expenses
- Y03-education
- Y04-health
- Y05A-job search
- Y05B-main job 7 days
- Y05C-secondary job 7 days
- Y05D-additional employment
- Y05E-main job 12 months
- Y05F-employment history
- Y05G-secondary job 12 months
- Y05H-other activities
- Y06-migration
- Y07-respondents for round 2
- Y08-characteristics of housing
- Y09A-land
- Y09B-crop
- Y09C-tree crop
- Y09D1A-farm inputs-seeds
- Y09D1B-farm inputs-fertiliser
- Y09D1C-farm inputs-organic manure
- Y09D2A-farm inputs-insecticides
- Y09D2B-inputs-transport
- Y09D2C-farm inputs-sack
- Y09D3A-farm inputs-storage
- Y09D3B-farm inputs-labor & other expense
- Y09D4A-farm inputs-hh sharecrop
- Y09D4B-farm inputs-other sharecrop
- Y09D4C-farm inputs-hh consumption
- Y09D5-farm inputs-agric agent
- Y09E-sale of products
- Y09F-livestock
- Y09G-animal products
- Y09H-contract for livestock
- Y09I-livestock expenditure
- Y09J-hand tools
- Y09K-farming equipment
- Y10A-nonfarm working condition
- Y10B-nonfarm expenditure
- Y10C-nonfarm revenue
- Y10D-nonfarm assets
- Y11A-daily expenses
- Y11B-annual expenses
- Y11C-durable goods
- Y11D-remittances
- Y12A-food expense
- Y12B-consumption of own produce
- Y13A1A-fertility history A
- Y13A1B-fertility history B
- Y13A2-fertility history C
- Y13B-birth control
- Y14A-income from remittance
- Y14B-miscellaneous income
- Y15A-money and goods lent
- Y15B-loans contracted
- Y15C-savings
- Y16A-anthropometrics 1
- Y16B-anthropometrics 2
- Comm-community
- Price
02bq18: source of drinking water?
File: Y02B-housing expenses
File: Y02B-housing expenses
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Range: 1-12 | Valid cases: 3193 Invalid: 0 Minimum: 1 Maximum: 12 |
Questions and instructions
Q18. What is the source of drinking water for your household?
If response is 7:9 skip to Q23.
If response is 10 or 12 skip to Q24.
If response is 11 skip to Q25.
If response is 10 or 12 skip to Q24.
If response is 11 skip to Q25.
Value | Category | Cases | |
1 | Indoor plumbing | 80 | 2.5% |
2 | Inside standpipe | 310 | 9.7% |
3 | Water vendor | 34 | 1.1% |
4 | Water truck\tanker | 28 | 0.9% |
5 | Neighbouring houshold | 102 | 3.2% |
6 | Private\Outside standpipe | 220 | 6.9% |
7 | Public standpipe | 162 | 5.1% |
8 | Well with pump | 242 | 7.6% |
9 | Well without pump | 519 | 16.3% |
10 | River\Lake\Spring\Pond | 1457 | 45.6% |
11 | Rainwater | 11 | 0.3% |
12 | Other | 28 | 0.9% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.