Ghana - INDEPTH Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health 2007, Wave 1
Reference ID | GHA_2007_INDEPTH_v01_M |
Year | 2007 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Navrongo Health Research Centre - Ghana Health Service |
Sponsor(s) | US National Institute on Aging - NIA - Financial support through Interagency Agreements (OGHA 04034785; YA1323-08-CN-0020; Y1-AG-1005-01) and Grants (R01-AG034479; IR21-AG034263-0182) |
Created on
Feb 13, 2013
Last modified
Dec 05, 2013
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
2007-03 | 2007-07 | N/A |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f], PAPI
Data Collection Notes
Sixteen individuals with tertiary qualifications who were fluent in the local languages (Kassim or Nankam) were recruited and trained as interviewers. Training of interviewers took place from 12 February to 9 March, 2007. A pre-test of the survey instruments was included as part of the training. At the end of the training, thirteen individuals were selected to conduct the data collection. Eleven persons conducted the face-to-face interviews while two persons performed the measured tests. The interview team visited selected respondents in their houses, explained the study to them and invited them to participate in the survey. Written informed consent was obtained before individuals were interviewed in their local language. The measurement team visited respondents a few days after the interview to administer various tests and take measurements. Data collection took place from 12 March to 5 July, 2007. Two supervisors visited interviewers daily to observe the fieldwork and address any problems interviewers experienced.
The questionnaires were based on the WHS Model Questionnaire with some modification and many new additions. A household questionnaire was administered to all households eligible for the study. An Individual questionnaire was administered to eligible respondents identified from the household roster. The questionnaires were developed in English and were piloted as part of the SAGE pretest. All documents were translated into XX. All INDEPTH SAGE generic questionnaires are available as external resources.
Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
Navrongo Health Research Centre | NHRC | Ghana Health Service |
A research assistant reviewed all completed questionnaires for consistency, missed items and other errors. Questionnaires with errors were returned to the interviewer for correction. Regular meetings were held with interviewers and the research team to review performance and address problems encountered in the field.