Ghana - Ghana Time Use Survey 2009
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GTUS-2009-v02. |
Year | 2009 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service |
Sponsor(s) | Ghana Statistical Service - GSS - GSS was responsible for overseeing the day-to-day technical operations including recruitment and supervision of field and data processing staff as well as the supervision of the office and field operations Governmen |
Metadata |
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Created on
Feb 14, 2013
Last modified
May 06, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: GTUS 2009 Merged Hh Characteristics & Individual Diary (Addis)
Cases | 330142 |
Variable(s) | 170 |
Version | Verions 1.0 |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service |
Missing Data | Missing data is coded as . |
Name | Label | Question | |
Region | Region | ||
District | District | ||
EANum1 | Enumeration Area Number | ||
a08 | Structure Number | ||
a09 | Household Number | ||
IntID | Interviewer's ID | ||
SupID | Supervisor's ID | ||
DoFV | Date of first visit | ||
DateOfInt | Final Interveiw date | ||
Visits | Total number of visits | ||
IntStartTime | Interview start time | ||
a10 | Household Size | ||
a11 | Eligible members | ||
a12 | Diaries completed | ||
a13 | Respondent's number | ||
a14 | Language of questionnaire | Language of questionnaire | |
a15 | Language of Interview | Language of Interview | |
a16 | Language of respondent | Language of respondent | |
a17 | Was interpreter used? | Was an interpreter used? | |
a18 | Interview results | ||
IntEndTime | Interview end time | ||
S201 | type of dwelling | In what type of dwelling does the household live | |
S202 | who owns the dwelling | Who owns the dwelling | |
S203 | rooms household occupy | How many rooms does the household occupy | |
S204 | main source of lighting | What is the main source of lighting for your dwelling | |
S205 | type of fuel mainly used for cooking | What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking | |
S206 | buy or collect wood | Does the household buy or collect the wood | |
S207 | members who mostly procure wood | Which member(s) of the household mostly have the task of procuring wood | |
S208 | members who mostly collect wood | Which member(s) of the household mostly have the task of collecting wood | |
S209 | main source of drinking water | What is the main source of drinking water for the household | |
S210 | who usually fetches water | Who usually goes to the source to fetch the water for your household | |
S21101 | Own a wall clock | Does the household own a radio | |
S21102 | Owner of radio | Does the household own a wall clock | |
S21103 | Owner black/white TV | Does the household own a black/white TV | |
S21104 | Owner of a colour TV | Does the household own a colour TV | |
S21105 | Owner of a mobile phone | Does the household own a mobile phone | |
S21106 | Owner of a land line phone | Does the household own a land line phone | |
S21107 | Owner of a refridgerator | Does the household own a refridgerator | |
S21108 | Owner of a freezer | Does the household own a freezer | |
S21109 | Owner of a electric generator | Does the household own aelectric generator | |
S21110 | Owner of a washing machine | Does the household own a washing machine | |
S21111 | Owner of a computer | Does the household own acomputer | |
S21112 | Owner of a photo camera | Does the household own a photo camera | |
S21113 | Owner of a video deck | Does the household own a video deck | |
S21114 | Owner of a DVD/VCD | Does the household own a DVD/VCD | |
S21115 | Owner of a Bed | Does the household own a Bed | |
S21116 | Owner of a Cabinet/Cupboard | Does the household own a Cabinet/Cupboard | |
S21117 | Owner of a Microwave | Does the household own a Microwave | |
S21118 | Owner of a Living room furniture | Does the household own a Living room furniture | |
S21119 | Owner of a Satellite dish | Does the household own a Satellite dish | |
S21120 | Owner of a Sewing machine | Does the household own a Sewing machine | |
S21121 | does household own -Fan | Does the household own a Fan | |
S21122 | Owner of a Air Conditioner | Does the household own a Air Conditioner | |
S21123 | Owner of a Gas Cooker | Does the household own aGas Cooker | |
S21124 | Owner of a Kerosene stove | Does the household own aKerosene stove | |
S21125 | Owner of a Blender | Does the household own a Blender | |
S21126 | Owner of a Rice Cooker | Does the household own a Rice Cooker | |
S21127 | Owner of a Coal Pot | Does the household own a Coal Pot | |
S301A01 | ownership of household assets-farmland | ownership of household assets-farmland | |
S301A02 | ownership of household assets-land | ownership of household assets land | |
S301A03 | ownership of household assets-livestock | ownership of household assets livestock | |
S301A04 | ownership of household assets-tractors | ownership of household assets- tractor | |
S301A05 | ownership of household assets-industrial machines | ownership of household assets- industrial or handicraft machines or equipment | |
S301A06 | ownership of household assets-residential building | ownership of household assets- residential building/dwelling | |
S301A07 | ownership of household assets-non residential | ownership of household assets- Non residential premises | |
S301A08 | ownership of household assets-industrial premises | ownership of household assets- industrial or handicraft premises | |
S301A09 | ownership of household assets-import and sale license | ownership of household assets- import and scale license/operating certificate | |
S301A10 | ownership of household assets- transportation equipment | ownership of household assets- Transportation equipment ( bus, minibus, truct, canoe, etc) | |
S301A11 | ownership of household assets-private car | ownership of household assets- private car | |
S301A12 | ownership of household assets-bicycle | ownership of household assets- bicycle | |
S301A13 | ownership of household assets-motorbike | ownership of household assets- motorbike | |
S301A14 | ownership of household assets-donkey/cart | ownership of household assets- Donkey / cart | |
S301A15 | ownership of household assets-cornmill | ownership of household assets cornmill | |
S301B01 | who controls the asset -farmland | Who controls the asset- farmland (garden, arable piece of land) | |
S301B02 | who controls the asset -land | Who controls the asset | |
S301B03 | who controls the asset -livestock | Who controls the asset | |
S301B04 | who controls the asset -tractors | Who controls the asset | |
S301B05 | who controls the asset -industrial machines | Who controls the asset- -industrial machines | |
S301B06 | who controls the asset -residential building | Who controls the asset--residential building | |
S301B07 | who controls the asset -non residential premises | Who controls the asset--non residential premises | |
S301B08 | who controls the asset -industrial premises | Who controls the asset--industrial premises | |
S301B09 | who controls the asset -import and sale license | Who controls the asset | |
S301B10 | who controls the asset -transportation equipment | Who controls the asset-transportation equipment | |
S301B11 | who controls the asset -private car | Who controls the asset-private car | |
S301B12 | who controls the asset -bicycle | Who controls the asset--bicycle | |
S301B13 | who controls the asset -motorbike | Who controls the asset-Motorbike | |
S301B14 | who controls the asset -donkey/cart | Who controls the asset-Donkey / cart | |
S301B15 | who controls the asset -cornmill | Who controls the asset- cornmill | |
S302 | any member use primary school close to dwelling | Does any member use primary school close to dwelling | |
S303 | any member use primary school close to dwelling | How far is the nearest primary school close to dwelling | |
S304 | any member use secondary school close to dwelling | Does any member of the household use the secondary school nearest to your dwelling | |
S305 | how far is the nearest secondary school | How far is the nearest secondary school to your dwelling | |
S306 | household use health facility close to dwelling | In case of illness, does the household use the health facility nearest to the dwelling | |
S307 | how far is the nearest health facility | How far is the nearest health facility to your dwelling | |
S308 | who usually takes the sick to the health facility | Who usually takes the sick in the household to the nearest health facility | |
S309 | obtain supplies from market close by | Does the household usually obtain its supplied from the market nearest to the dwelling | |
S310 | how far is the nearest market | How far is the nearest market to your dwelling | |
S311 | who obtain supplies from the market | Who usually obtain supplies from the nearest market | |
S401A1 | how much does household spend on - food | How much does the household usually expend monthly in Ghana cedis (GHc) on-purchasedn - food and non-alcoholic beverages | |
S401B1 | how much does household spend on - hotels | How much does the household usually expendmonthly in Ghana cedis (GHc) on-purchased - hotels, cafes and restaurants | |
Total variable(s):
170 |