Ghana - Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2003, Round four
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-DHS-2003-v1.1 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Government of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GOG - Financial Assistance U.S. Agency for International Development - USAID - Financial Assistance |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Sep 13, 2014
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
Page views
Data Description
Content | The file contains data relating to the household of the survey (Sex, Age and Educational attainment of Household members, relationship to Head of household, Marrital Status,Parent survival status, source of drinking water, access to household durable goods, type of salt used for cooking and housing characteristics). It also contains the weighted coefficient. |
Cases | 6251 |
Variable(s) | 207 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: hhid (Case Identification), hv001 (Cluster number), hv002 (Household number) |
Version | Version 1.0 was the uploaded version without external resources. Version 1.1 (September 2014 ) External resources attached and the literal questions provided with some editing done to other categories. |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | All missing values have been identified and coded according to the following rules: -a coded value composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank. |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Name | Label | Question | |
hhid | Case Identification | ||
hv000 | Country code and phase | ||
hv001 | Cluster number | Cluster number | |
hv002 | Household number | Cluster number | |
hv003 | Respondent's line number | Respondent's line number | |
hv004 | Ultimate area unit | ||
hv005 | Sample weight | ||
hv006 | Month of interview | Month of interview | |
hv007 | Year of interview | Year of interview | |
hv008 | Date of interview (CMC) | Date of interview (CMC) | |
hv009 | Number of household members | Number of household members | |
hv010 | Number of eligible women in HH | Number of eligible women in HH | |
hv011 | Number of eligible men in HH | Number of eligible men in HH | |
hv012 | Number of de jure members | Number of de jure members | |
hv013 | Number of de facto members | Number of de facto members | |
hv014 | Number of children 5 and under | Number of children 5 and under | |
hv015 | Result of household interview | Result of household interview | |
hv016 | Day of interview | Day of interview | |
hv017 | Number of visits | Number of visits | |
hv018 | Interviewer identification | ||
hv019 | Keyer identification | ||
hv020 | Ever-married sample | ||
hv021 | Primary sampling unit | ||
hv022 | Sample stratum number | ||
hv023 | Sample domain | ||
hv024 | Region | Region | |
hv025 | Type of place of residence | Type of place of residence | |
hv026 | Place of residence - NA | Place of residence | |
hv027 | Selection for male/husb. int. | ||
hv028 | Sample weight for male subsamp | ||
hv030 | Field supervisor | ||
hv031 | Field editor | ||
hv032 | Office editor | ||
hv033 | Ultimate area selection p - NA | ||
hv035 | Number of eligible children for height & weight | ||
hv040 | Cluster altitude in meters | ||
hv041 | Total adults measured | ||
hv042 | Selection for hemoglobin | Selection for hemoglobin | |
hv043 | Selection for women's sta - NAodule | Selection for women's sta - NAodule | |
hv044 | Selection for domestic vi - NAe module | Selection for domestic vi - NAe module | |
hv201 | Source of drinking water | What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? | |
hv204 | Time to get to water source | How long does it take you to go there, get water, and come back? | |
hv205 | Type of toilet facility | What kind of toilet facilities does your household have? | |
hv206 | Has electricity | Does your household have Electricity? | |
hv207 | Has radio | Does your household have radio> | |
hv208 | Has television | Does your household have television? | |
hv209 | Has refrigerator | Does your household have refrigerator? | |
hv210 | Has bicycle | Does your household have bicycle? | |
hv211 | Has motorcycle/scooter | Does your household have motorcycle/scooter? | |
hv212 | Has car/truck | Does your household have car/truck? | |
hv213 | Main floor material | MAIN MATERIAL OF THE FLOOR. | |
hv214 | Main wall material - NA | Main wall material | |
hv215 | Main roof material - NA | Main roof material | |
hv217 | Relationship structure | ||
hv218 | Line number of head of househ. | Line number of head of househ. | |
hv219 | Sex of head of household | Sex of head of household | |
hv220 | Age of head of household | Age of head of household | |
hv221 | Has telephone | Does your household have telephone? | |
hv225 | Share toilet with other households | Does your household share toilet with other households | |
hv226 | Type of cooking fuel | What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking? | |
hv227 | Have bednet for sleeping | Does your household have any mosquito nets that can be used while sleeping? | |
hv228 | Children under 5 slept under bednet last night | ||
hv230 | Place for hand washing | Does the household have a place for hand washing | |
hv231 | Items present: Water, tap | Items present Water, tap | |
hv232 | Items present: Soap/other cleansing agent | Items present: Soap/other cleansing agent | |
hv233 | Items present: Basin | Items present: Basin | |
hv234 | Test salt for Iodine | Test salt for Iodine | |
hv270 | Wealth index | ||
hv271 | Wealth index factor score (5 decimals) | ||
hml1 | Number of mosquito nets | Number of mosquito nets | |
hml1a | Number of mosquito nets with specific information | ||
hml2 | Number of children under bednet previous night | ||
shdist | District | District | |
shslum | Cluster in slum area | ||
shlangq | Language of questionnaire | In what language is the questionnaire? | |
shlangi | Language of interview | In what language was the interview conducted? | |
shlangr | Home language of respondent | What is the native language of the respondent? | |
shtrans | Translator used | Was a translator used? | |
sh22a | Frequency of water availability | In the last two weeks, how frequently has water been available from this source? | |
sh22b | Disposal of HH waste | How does this household primarily dispose of household waste? | |
sh24a | Number of other households that use toilet | How many households do you share these facilities with? | |
sh25d | Owns video deck | Does your household have a video deck? | |
sh26a | Possibility of eviction | How likely is it that you could be evicted from this dwelling: Would you say very likely, somewhat likely, not at all likely? | |
sh28d | Tractor | Does your household own a tractor? | |
sh28e | Horse/cart | Does your household own Horse/cart? | |
sh29b | When bednets are used | When do you use the nets? | |
sh32fa | Malaria message: TV | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria on the television? | |
sh32fb | Malaria message: radio | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria on the television? | |
sh32fc | Malaria message: newspaper | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria in the newspaper? | |
sh32fd | Malaria message: poster | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria in the poster? | |
sh32fe | Malaria message: leaflets | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria in leaflets? | |
sh32ff | Malaria message: health worker | In the past year, have you seen or heard messages about malaria from a health worker? | |
sh32g | Message: give child chloroquine | Have you seen or heard any messages telling you to give a child with fever chloroquine tablets for three days? | |
sh32h | Radio program HeHaHo | Have you ever listened to the radio program "He Ha Ho?" | |
sh34a | Member of MHO | Are you currently a member of a mutual health organization or health insurance scheme? | |
sh34b | Type of Scheme | What type of scheme are you a member of? | |
sh34ca | Benefits of scheme - Consultation | Benefits of scheme - Consultation | |
sh34cb | Benefits of scheme - Drugs | Benefits of scheme - Drugs | |
sh34cc | Benefits of scheme - Lab costs | Benefits of scheme - Lab costs | |
sh34cd | Benefits of scheme - X-ray | Benefits of scheme - X-ray | |
Total variable(s):
207 |