Ghana - Ghana Living Standard Survey 5: 2005, With Non-Farm Household Enterprise Module
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-GLSS-2005-v2.0 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GOG - Funding World Bank - WB - Support European Union - EU - Support |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Dec 15, 2008
Last modified
Mar 21, 2016
Page views
- sec0-Survey Informat
ion - sec1-Household Roste
r - sec2a- General Educa
tion - sec2b-Educational Ca
reer - sec2c-Literacy and A
pprenticeship - sec3a-Health Conditi
ons - sec3b- Preventive He
alth and Immunisatio
n - sec3c-Postnatal Care
- sec3d-Fertility-Pren
atal Care - sec3e-Contraceptive
Use and HIV and AIDS - sec3f-Insurance
- sec4a-Activity Statu
s and Charcteristics
of Main Job - sec4b-Characteristic
s of Secondary Occup
ation - sec4c-Underemploymen
t - sec4d-Unemployment
- sec4e-Characteristic
s of Main Occupation - sec4f-Secondary Occu
pation - sec4g-Employment Sea
rch - sec4h-Housekeeping A
ctivities - sec5a-Migration
- sec5b-Domestic and O
utbound Tourism - sec6-Screening Quest
ions for Agriculture - sec69-Screening Ques
tions for Non-farm E
nterprises - sec7-Housing Charact
eristics - secb0- Survey Inform
ation for PartB - secb1-Survey Informa
tion for PartB 2 - secb2-Survey Informa
tion for PartB3 - sec8a1-Agricultural
Assets-Land - sec8a2-Agricultural
Assets-Livestock and
Fishing - sec8a3-Agricultural
Assets-Equipment - sec8b-Farm and Land
Details - sec8c1-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (st
aple grains) - sec8c2-Harvest and D
isposal of Crops (ro
ots, vegetables) - sec8d-Seasonality of
Sales and Purchases - sec8e-Other Agricult
ural Income - sec8f-Agricultural C
osts and Expenses - sec8g-Processing of
Agricltural Produce - sec8h-Consumption of
Own Produce - sec9a-Non-food Expen
ses (Less frequently
purchased items) - sec9b-Non Food Expen
ses (frequently purc
hased items) - sec9c-Food and Non F
ood Expenses - sec10a-Basic Charact
eristics of Non Farm
Enterprises - sec10b-Employment
- sec10c1-Wage Earning
s-First Enterprise - sec10c2-Wage Earning
s-Second Enterprise - sec10d1-Revenue of E
nterprise (closing s
tock) - sec10d2-Revenue of E
nterprise Engaged in
Wholesale - sec10d3-Revenue of E
nterprise - sec10d4-Preparation
and Sale of Meals - sec10e-Other Revenue
- sec10e1-Other Revenu
e-First Enterprise - sec10e2-Other Revenu
e- Second Enterprise - sec10f1-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Fir
st Enterprise - sec10f2-Expenditure
(opening stocks)-Sec
ond Enterprise - sec10g1-Other Expend
iture-First Enterpri
se - sec10g2-Other Expend
iture- Second Enterp
rise - sec10h1-Assets of Fi
rst Enterprise - sec10h2-Assets of Se
cond Enterprise - sec10j-Net Income of
Enterprise - sec11a-Transfer Paym
ents made by Househo
lds - sec11b-Transfer Paym
ents Received by Hou
sehold - sec11c-Miscellaneous
Income - sec11d-Miscellaneous
Outgoings - sec12a-Credit
- sec12b-Assets and Du
rable Goods - sec12c-Savings
- com-sec0-Community I
nformation - com-sec1-Demographic
Information - com-sec21-Economy an
d Infrastructure 1 - com-sec22-Economy an
d Infrastructure 2 - com-sec23-Economy an
d Infrastructure 3 - com-sec31-Education
1 - com-sec32-Education
2 - com-sec33-Education
3 - com-sec41-Health 1
- com-sec42-Health 2
- com-sec43-Health 3
- com-sec51-Agricultur
e 1 - com-sec52-Agricultur
e 2
First enterprise item code
File: sec10h1-Assets of First Enterprise
File: sec10h1-Assets of First Enterprise
Discrete Format: numeric Width: 25 Decimals: 0 Range: 1-30 | Valid cases: 67712 Invalid: 332 |
Questions and instructions
Value | Category | Cases | |
1 | Land | 4757 | 7.0% |
2 | Land improvement | 4755 | 7.0% |
3 | Residential buildings | 4753 | 7.0% |
4 | Other buildings | 4751 | 7.0% |
5 | Other construction | 4750 | 7.0% |
6 | Passenger vehicle | 4751 | 7.0% |
7 | Other vehicle | 4748 | 7.0% |
8 | Motor bike | 4746 | 7.0% |
9 | Bicycles | 4747 | 7.0% |
10 | Carts | 4740 | 7.0% |
11 | Boats | 4742 | 7.0% |
12 | Other transport equipment | 4717 | 7.0% |
13 | Machinery/Equipment/Tools | 4744 | 7.0% |
14 | Other (specify) | 2947 | 4.4% |
15 | Other | 1687 | 2.5% |
16 | Other | 1229 | 1.8% |
17 | 57 | 0.1% | |
18 | 17 | 0.0% | |
19 | 5 | 0.0% | |
20 | 9 | 0.0% | |
21 | 16 | 0.0% | |
22 | 1 | 0.0% | |
23 | 3 | 0.0% | |
24 | 3 | 0.0% | |
25 | 4 | 0.0% | |
26 | 4 | 0.0% | |
27 | 8 | 0.0% | |
28 | 1 | 0.0% | |
29 | 14 | 0.0% | |
30 | 6 | 0.0% | |
Sysmiss | 332 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.