Ghana - Ghana Holistic Assessment of the Health Sector Programme of Work 2013, Third Round
Reference ID | GHA-MOH-HA-2013-v1.0 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ministry of Health - Government of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | Governement of Ghana - GoG - Funding Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA - Funding United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Funding United States Agency for International Development - USAID - Funding Joint United Nations P |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 12, 2014
Last modified
Sep 12, 2014
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Sampling Procedure
The assessment is based on indicators and milestones specified in the operational annual POW. More specifically, the analysis underlying the holistic assessment is based on the following elements:
1. Annual POW including budget
2. Annual Performance Review Reports and presentations from MoH and its Agencies
3. Annual MoH Financial Statement
4. National survey reports (Ghana DHS, MICS etc.)
5. Health Sector Medium Term Development Plan 2010-2013
As part of the annual health sector review process, the review team has conducted an initial assessment of milestones' realization and indicator trends. The assessment was guided by a predefined methodology that ensured full transparency of calculations.
The assessment will be presented at the April Health Summit where overall performance of the sector and possible factors, which may have influenced the performance, can be discussed.
The purpose of the initial assessment is to form a basis for a balanced discussion between the Ministry of Health, its agencies and development partners to reach a common conclusion of the sector's performance.
The initial assessment has three steps:
Step 1:
Each indicator and milestone is assigned a numerical value of -1, 0 or +1 depending on realization of milestones and trend of indicators. While indicators which normally are measured on annual basis are included in each year's assessment, indicators which are not measured on annual basis (e.g. survey based information like MICS, DHS etc.) are only included in the assessment if new information is available.
Milestones are assigned the value +1 (colour coded green) if the review team is provided with evidence from the relevant authority that documents the realization of the milestone; otherwise it is assigned the value -1 (colour coded red).
Indicators are assigned the value +1(colour coded green) if
? The indicator has attained the specified annual target regardless of trend, or
? The indicator has experienced a relative improvement by more than 5% compared to the previous year's value
Indicators are assigned the value -1(colour coded red) if
? The indicator is below the annual target and has experienced a relative deterioration by more than 5%, or
? No data is available (only applies to annually measured indicators and not to survey indicators)
Indicators are assigned the value 0(colour coded yellow) if
? The relative trend of the indicator compared to previous year is within a 5% range, or
? The indicator was not reported the previous year (for annually measured indicators) or the previous survey (for survey indicators)
Step 2:
the indicators and milestones are grouped into Health Objectives as defined in the HSMTDP and the sub total of indicators and milestone values are calculated for each group. Health Objectives with a positive score are assigned a value of +1, -1 if the total score is negative and 0 if the total score is 0.
Step 3:
after assigning a numerical score to each of the Health Objectives the scores are added to determine the sector's score. A positive sector score is interpreted as a highly performing sector, a negative score is interpreted as an underperforming sector and a score of zero is considered to be sustained performance.
Deviations from Sample Design
No deviations
Response Rate
Overall data completeness rate for the period was 86%
No weighting was done: