Ghana - Ghana Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire Survey - 2003
Reference ID | GHA-GSS-CWIQ II -2003-v2.1 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana statistical service - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Ghana - GoG - Logistical assistance The World Bank - - Financial and technical assistance |
Created on
Feb 20, 2009
Last modified
Mar 14, 2016
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Sampling Procedure
The 2003 CWIQ Survey was based on a two stage national sample of households. At the first stage a sample of enumeration areas (EAs) was drawn from an updated national sampling frame derived from the 2000 Population and Housing Census. For the first stage selection, the frame was sratified within the 10 administrative regions into local government district domains comprising the 110 administrative districts, the sub-metropolotan areas of Accra, Kumasi and Shama Ahata East and Tema Munucipal Area that was split into two zones. These divisions were accorded " Statistical district" status for the purpose of the CWIQ Survey, thus yielding a total of 121 district domain nationwide.
At the first stage of sampling, a random systematic sample of 27 enumeration areas (EAs) was drawn from each district stratum/domain, independently, with probability prpportional to size of the EA( ie. the number of households in the EA as obtained from the 2000 Population and Housing Census). At the second stage, households within each EA were listed and households were selected systematically from each to yield 49,005 household.
Deviations from Sample Design
There was no deviation from the sample design.
Response Rate
The survey was designed to yield a total sample of 49,003 households nationwide but a total of 43,880 households were successfully interviewed indcating a response rate of 88.5 percent.
This sample is not a self-weighting, hence, there was the need to compute weights or "Raising Factors" for the estimation of parameters, based on the probabilities of selection. For details of the computation of weights is found in the main report.