Ghana - Ghana Agricultural Production Survey (Minor Season) 2013, Second Round
Reference ID | GHA-MoFA-SRID-GAPS-2013-V1.0 |
Year | 2013 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ministry Of Food and Agriculture / Statistics Research Information Directoriate - Government Of Ghana |
Sponsor(s) | International Food Policy Research Institute - IFPRI - Financial Support |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Sep 15, 2014
Last modified
Sep 15, 2014
Page views
- RT004-Household Info
rmation - RT005-Credit Access
- RT008-Irrigation
- RT009-Harvest Condit
ion and Storage faci
lities - RT010-Losses
- RT011-Input Costs
- RT012-Processing
- RT013-Labour and Hea
lth - RT015-Livestock
- RT016-Type of Livest
ock and Poultry - RT017-Tree Crop
- RT018-Fertilization
- RT019-Aquatic
- RT020-Harvesting and
Sales - RT021-Total Income f
rom Job - RT103-Self Assesseme
Data Description
Data File: RT013-Labour and Health
Content | This file is a pre-harvest questionarie that contains data on Labour and Health |
Cases | 5570 |
Variable(s) | 30 |
Version | Version 1.0 (September, 2014) |
Producer | Ministry Of Food and Agriculture / Statistics Research Information Directoriate (MoFA/SRID) |
Missing Data | The missing data were asterics (*) |
Processing Checks | To ensure high quality work, data cleaning was further conducted prior to the analysis stage on all the variables. |
Name | Label | Question | |
Dist_cod_1 | District | Which District? | |
Ea_code_1 | Enumeration area | What is the Enumeration Area code? | |
F2b_q74_1 | Lately, have you been feeling sick? | Lately, have you been feeling sick? | |
F2b_q75a_1 | How many days could you not stand from sitting in a chairs because of illness? | How many days could you not stand from sitting in a chairs because of illness? | |
F2b_q75b_1 | How many days could you not rise from sitting on the floor because of illness? | How many days could you not rise from sitting on the floor because of illness? | |
F2b_q75c_1 | How many days could you not weed on a field / farm because of illness? | How many days could you not weed on a field / farm because of illness? | |
F2b_q75d_1 | How many days could you not walk up to 5 kms because of illness? | How many days could you not walk up to 5 kms because of illness? | |
F2b_q75e_1 | How many days could you not carry a heavy load for 30 steps because of illness? | How many days could you not carry a heavy load for 30 steps because of illness? | |
F2b_q76a_1 | In the last two weeks, did you miss any full days of work | In the last two weeks, did you miss any full days of work | |
F2b_q76b_1 | How many full days of work did you miss in the last two weeks? | How many full days of work did you miss in the last two weeks? | |
F2b_q77a_1 | In the last two weeks, did you miss part of a work day | In the last two weeks, did you miss part of a work day | |
F2b_q77b_1 | How many part of a work day did you miss in the last two weeks? | How many part of a work day did you miss in the last two weeks? | |
F2b_q78a | Main symptoms of illness | Main symptoms of illness | |
F2b_q80a_1 | Did you miss full days because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | Did you miss full days because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | |
F2b_q80b_1 | How many full days of work did you miss because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | How many full days of work did you miss because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | |
F2b_q81a_1 | Did you miss part of the day because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | Did you miss part of the day because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | |
F2b_q81b_1 | How many part of the day did you miss because you had to take care of another household member who was ill | In the last two weeks, because you had to take care of another household member who was ill, did you miss part of a work day and for how many days? | |
F2b_q82_1 | How many times did you visit any health facility in the past 3 months? | How many times did you visit any health facility in the past 3 months? | |
F2b_q76b_1_bind | How many full days of work did you miss in the last two weeks? (binned) | In the last two weeks, because of illness, did you miss any full days of work and how many? | |
F2b_q77b_1_bind | How many part of a work day did you miss in the last two weeks? (binned) | In the last two weeks, because of illness, did you miss part of a work day and for how many days? | |
F2b_q80b_1_bind | How many full days of work did you miss because you had to take care of another household member who was ill (binned) | In the last two weeks, because you had to take care of another household member who was ill, did you miss any full days of work and how many days? | |
F2b_q81b_1_bind | How many part of the day did you miss because you had to take care of another household member who was ill (binned) | In the last two weeks, because you had to take care of another household member who was ill, did you miss part of a work day and for how many days? | |
F2b_q82_1_bind | How many times did you visit any health facility in the past 3 months? (binned) | How many times did you visit any health facility in the past 3 months? | |
F2b_q78a_1 | First symptoms of illness | Please describe the main symptoms of this illness. | |
F2b_q78b_1 | Second symptoms of illness | Please describe the main symptoms of this illness. | |
F2b_q78c_1 | Third symptoms of illness | Please describe the main symptoms of this illness. | |
F2b_q79a_1 | Work response 1 | In which ways did you reduce your workload? | |
F2b_q79b_1 | Work response 2 | In which ways did you reduce your workload? | |
F2b_q79c_1 | Mitigation 1 | What did you do to compensate this reduction in work? | |
F2b_q79d_1 | Mitigation 2 | What did you do to compensate this reduction in work? | |
Total variable(s):
30 |