Ghana - Enterprise Survey 2007
Reference ID | GHA_2007_ES_v01_M_WB |
Year | 2007 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | World Bank |
Sponsor(s) | World Bank - - |
Created on
Feb 13, 2013
Last modified
Dec 05, 2013
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Data Description
Data File: Ghana-2007--full data-1
Content | The file contains the cleaned, raw database. Summary of indicators can be found in Excel document "Ghana ES 2007 Indicators" in "Technical Documents" folder. |
Cases | 616 |
Variable(s) | 359 |
Producer | World Bank |
Notes | Special codes used in the dataset: -9 is "Don't Know" -8 is "Refusal to respond" -7 is "Does not apply" -6 is "Still in process" -5 is "Application denied" -4 is "Skipped" -3 is "Not provided" |
Name | Label | Question | |
idstd | WEB STD FIRMID | ||
serial | serial number | ||
wt | weights by sample stratum and city | ||
a0 | questionnaire type | ||
a1 | country name | ||
eec_panel | panel | ||
eec_panelid | panel id | ||
samstrat | Sampling stratum | ||
screenstrat | Screener stratum | ||
eec_callback | callback | ||
a3 | type of population center | ||
a3x | city | ||
a2 | region | ||
a4a | sample frame industry | ||
a4b | industry | ||
a6a | sample frame size | ||
a6b | size | ||
a5 | stratum match sample frame stratum | Sector match between screener information and sample frame | |
afb8a | export processing/industrial zone | Is this establishment located in an export processing or other industrial zone? | |
a7 | establishment part of a larger firm | ||
a10 | separate financial information | ||
a14_mth | start month | ||
a14_day | start day | ||
a14_hr | start hour | ||
a14_min | start min | ||
a14_am | start ampm | ||
b1 | legal status | What is the current legal status of your firm? | |
b1x | specify legal status | What is the current legal status of your firm? Other | |
b2a | private domestic ownership | What percent of this firm is owned by: Private domestic individuals, companies or organizations | |
b2b | private foreign ownership | What percent of this firm is owned by: Private foreign individuals, companies or organizations | |
b2c | government ownership | What percent of this firm is owned by: Government/State | |
b2d | other ownership | What percent of this firm is owned by: Other | |
b3 | largest owner % | What percentage of this firm does the largest owner(s) own? | |
afb4a | ethnic origin | What is the ethnic origin of the largest shareholder? | |
b4 | female owners | Are any of the owners female? | |
afb7a | manager's education | What is the highest level of education of the current top manager? | |
b7 | manager's experience | How many years of experience working in this sector does the Top Manager have? | |
b5 | year began operations | In what year did this establishment begin operations in this country? | |
b6a | registered at start | Was this establishment formally registered when it began operations in this country? | |
b6b | if no, registration year | Was this establishment formally registered when it began operations in this country? If no, in what year was it registered? | |
n1a | % sales manufacturing | In 2006, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: Manufacturing | |
n1b | % sales services | In 2006, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: Services | |
n1c | % sales other | In 2006, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: Other | |
k2a | sales paid before delivery | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: Paid for before the delivery? | |
k2b | sales paid on delivery | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment's sales were: Paid for on delivery? | |
k2c | sales paid after delivery | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment's sales were: Paid for after delivery? | |
afp1d | % sales intermediate | What percentage of this establishment’s total sales came from selling intermediate products and services used as inputs in purchasers’ production processes? | |
afk6b | % non-cash payments | What percentage of the total payments you received were in the form of non-cash payments through the formal financial sector (checks, direct deposits, or credit cards)? | |
d1a1x | product 1 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
d1a2 | isic 1 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
d1a3 | % sales 1 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
d1b1x | product 2 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
d1b2 | isic 2 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
d1b3 | % sales 2 | In 2006, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c22a | In its communications with clients and suppliers, does your establishment currently use: E-mail? | ||
c22b | website | In its communications with clients and suppliers, does your establishment currently use: Its own website? | |
aic22c | cell phones | In its communications with clients and suppliers, does your establishment currently use: | |
e1 | main market | For 2006, considering this establishment’s main product line: What was its main market? | |
afe1a | local market share | For 2006, considering this establishment's main product line: What was its local market share? | |
e3 | change quantities sold | Considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: How would you describe the change in your quantities sold? | |
e4 | change prices | Considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: How would you describe the change in your prices? | |
e2 | # of competitors | Considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: How many competitors did you face? | |
e12 | lower prices b/c domestic comp | For this establishment’s main product: Has this establishment reduced prices of its main product in response to price reductions by its domestic competitors? | |
e13 | lower prices b/c foreign comp | For this establishment’s main product: Has this establishment reduced prices of its main product in response to price reductions by its foreign competitors? | |
d3a | national sales | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: National sales | |
d3c | direct exports | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: Direct exports | |
afd3f | other sub saharan countries | What percentage of this establishment’s direct export sales were to: Neighboring Countries within Sub-Saharan Africa | |
afd3g | developed countries | What percentage of this establishment's direct export sales were to: Developed Countries | |
afd3h | other | What percentage of this establishment's direct export sales were to: Other | |
afd3d1x | name country 1 | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
afd3e1x | name country 2 | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
d3b | indirect exports | In 2006, what percent of this establishment's sales were: Indirect exports (Goods sold domestically to another firm who then exports them) | |
d7 | lost - breakage/spoilage | If you exported directly in 2006, what percentage of the consignment value of the products shipped was lost while in transit because of breakage or spoilage? | |
d6 | lost - theft | If you exported directly in 2006, what percentage of the consignment value of the products shipped was lost while in transit because of theft? | |
d8 | year first exported (directly or indirectly) | In what year did you begin exporting directly orindirectly? | |
afd3jx | name point of exit | If you exported directly in 2006, What is the main point of exit that this establishment used? (name) | |
afd3k | type point of exit | If you exported directly in 2006, what type of point of exit is it? | |
d4 | exports average days - customs | For the main point of exit in 2006: What was the average number of days it took you to clear customs? | |
d5 | exports longest days - customs | For the main point of exit in 2006: What was the longest number of days it took you to clear customs? | |
afd5a | cost to clear port | For the main point of exit in 2006: What was the total cost to clear the port or crossing for a typical consignment as a percentage of the consignment value? (Please include payments to clearing agents, storage fees, container handling fees, and gifts or informal payments to customs officials) | |
d12a | domestic origin | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment’s material inputs and/or supplies were: Of domestic origin | |
d12b | foreign origin | In 2006, what percentage of your establishment’s material inputs and/or supplies were: Of foreign origin | |
d13 | direct imports | Did you import any of your material inputs and/or supplies directly in 2006? | |
d14 | imports average days - customs | What was the average number of days that it took you to claim the goods from customs? | |
d15 | imports longest days - customs | What was the longest number of days that it took you to claim the goods from customs? | |
afc2ax | point of origin by road | In 2006, what was the main point of origin of the main production input that this establishment needed to be transported in by road? In the case of imported inputs, what was the point of entry into this country? | |
afc2b | transport cost - road shipment | For the last road shipment of that input from that point, What was the cost of transportation from that point? | |
afc2cx | units - road shipment | For the last road shipment of that input from that point, What was the cost of transportation from that point? | |
afc2d | time to transport to establishment | For the last road shipment of that input from that point, How long did it take to ship this input from that point to this establishment? | |
k1a | purchases paid before delivery | In 2006, what percentage of total annual purchases of material inputs or services, were: Paid for before the delivery? | |
k1b | purchases paid on delivery | In 2006, what percentage of total annual purchases of material inputs or services, were: Paid for on delivery? | |
k1c | purchases paid after delivery | In 2006, what percentage of total annual purchases of material inputs or services, were: Paid for after delivery? | |
d16 | days of inventory | Just prior to receiving a delivery of your most important input, how many days of inventory (days of production)/does your establishment typically have on hand? | |
d17 | days of inventory of main sales item (services) | Just prior to receiving a delivery of your main sales item / most important input or main sales item, how many days of inventory (days of sales)/days of production/sales does your establishment typically have on hand? | |
afd11a | years known supplier | For how many years have you known the primary supplier of the main input used in 2006? | |
afd11d | subcontract production | In 2006, did you subcontract any part of your production? | |
afd11b | source of information new supplier | What was the main source of information that this establishment had about its newest supplier? | |
f1 | capacity utilization | In 2006, what was your establishment’s average capacity utilization? | |
f2 | hours of operation | In 2006, how many hours per week did your establishment normally operate? | |
e6 | foreign licenses | Does your establishment use technology licensed from a foreign owned company? | |
Total variable(s):
359 |